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Creation/Lunar Sabbath Keepers

Let me start to show and give you the scientific evidence that you can research to get your opinions in order;
1.) The Moon and the Sun and the Stars were all created in Genesis 1:1.
2.) The space of time of Genesis 1:1 was the Day of the New Moon. The Hebrew word in Genesis 1:1 for "beginning" is "Reshyith" and shares the same root word as "the beginning of your months " does in Numbers 10:10!
3.) Genesis 2:4-5 States that the space of time of Genesis 1:1 was called a "Day". Thus verifying that the space of time in Genesis 1:1 was truly "The day of the New Moon", which is a separate day from all the other 6 working days.
4.) Genesis 2: 2 Says, the Yah finished all his works on the seventh day, and then rested on the seventh day and blessed it.
a.) The seventh day that Yah finished all his work on was the 7th day of the Moon.
b.) The Seventh day that Yah rested on was the 7th day of the week but the eighth day of the Moon.
5.) In Genesis 1: 14 it does not say, that Yah created these lights on this fourth day! The Hebrew word for "made" in this verse is "asah" meaning to do or to set in order, thus Yah gave the ordinances of these lights to Identify days, nights Years, and Yah's appointments i.e. his feasts days! The Sabbath being one of those appointment.
6.) If you go up to the 8th and 13th verse it looks like he did not make the heavens until the 2cd day, and it looks like the earth was not made until the 3rd day, but that is not so! In Genesis 1: 1 it says, In the beginning [Hebrew meaning ,"In the day of the New Moon] Yah created the Heavens and the earth.] And that is just what Yah did! Just that! The Heavens and the Earth and all that in them is was created on the Day of the new Moon.....before day one, and on day two he redecorated the Heavens, and on day 3 he planted all the vegetation, but, the Heavens and the earth were created "in the beginning" before day 2 and 3 ever got there just as all the light began to shine on day one when Yah said let their be light.
7. Now then the first sign of light is seen on the Moon, just as day one begins in the evening and still does 5994 years later, as it says, and the evening and the morning was day one! The light was first seen on the first sliver of the moon in the evening as Day one began! Awesome, and the Moon is still doing the same thing it did in the beginning, no changes in the time, it does not matter how many times the sun stands still and the moon does not go down, because they are Yah's time pieces that change not! They are Yah's language of the heavens that shows forth his handiwork as Ps 19: 1-3 says they are, Yah's perfect witness, to this very day!
True science is what can be observable. Science so called because someone stipulates they are scientist is not observable just speculated or modified in instruments is not true science.
What I spoke of in my post to you, was true science and still observable by anyone wishing to do the research on this handiwork of Yah at creation and its reality and literal observation.
And this event of creation where the first work day is announced by the first sliver of the Moon, still continues to do so and is observable by all nations, all people , for all times, world without end!
All six of the first week of work days are Identified by the Moon in its different position and by its different shape, and then when the first quarter is directly overhead at sunset on the sixth work day, that Identifies the first 7th day Sabbath of that lunation! awesome!
Now, after that first 7th day Sabbath, the next 6 work days are all Identified by the moons different position in the heavens and by the different shapes, and on the 6th day of that week, which is the 2cd week of that lunation The Full Moon comes up after the Sun sets, in the winter, and in the Summer sometimes before the sun sets or right at sunset on maybe the longest day, announcing the 2cd 7th day Sabbath of that lunation.
Then comes the 3rd work week of 6 days, and again, every day is Identified by a different position of the Moon and a different shape of the Moon until the 6th Work day, and on this Day the Last Quarter Moon is directly over head at Sunrise, and will set at noon , announcing that the next day is the 3rd 7th day Sabbath of that lunation.
There are 28 days of light on the moon's face giving us 4 seven day Sabbaths with 6 workdays in each week,
The 4th week of six days, again every work day is Identified by a different position of the moon in the sky and a different time that it is seen, but on the Sixth work day of this 4th week, the moon will be seen just before sunrise about 2 hours in the sky in the east. Thus announcing the next day is the fourth 7th day Sabbath of that lunation.
After this fourth 7th day Sabbath that is the end of that revolution of that moon/month. And the next Day, there will be no light on the Moon until evening. If there is no light on the Moon that evening then it is an expanded Day of the New Moon, and the following evening will be when light is seen on the moon for approximately 1 hour after the sun sets, thus announcing again Day one of the first 6 working days of that week, and the same process will be followed again!
I hope this helps you in understanding the language of the Moon mentioned in Ps 19:1-4 the Calendar that Yah created for his 7th Day Sabbath to be kept by, and his feasts and his Sabbaths and all of his appointments whether his coming at the end of the six thousand years, or even his crucifixion was timed and prophesied by this calendar ....definite not Rome's Calendar ....nor any other calendar that does not make a difference from the six working days for the Day of the New Moon! Enjoy, how awesome is our Yah!