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Creation/Lunar Sabbath Keepers

Lunar Sabbath Discussion
Lunar Sabbath Keeper: The Calendar we have now was not around at creation; the calendar that God created is still in effect for His people... In Genesis 1:14 he said he created the Moon for days, months years and seasons.... Seasons here means to meet for worship. There are exactly 7 days between the first sliver of the moon and the first quarter, the first quarter and the full moon, the full moon and the third quarter, and the third quarter and the new Moon. God created it that way on purpose because these days were to be his Sabbaths ....
Exodus 20:8 where it says to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy, Remember here is Zakar in the Hebrew
and means to mark as a male Child is Marked... Saturday doesn't do that, but the moon does...
In the beginning the days were not named, hundreds of years later man named the days after their gods, but God didn't name them, he only numbered them....
If you would like to know more about this I will be glad to show you more.... I just think it is so neat that God
thought of everything at creation, he even created a Calendar for us to go by... A Calendar that man, no matter
how he tries cannot change.
Response: Not exactly, we don't have to go as far back as creation to get the 'correct calendar'. In Exodus
after the Israelites left Egypt, God gave them a dating system. It was just in continuance of the original 7 days
of creation, which from the beginning have been called: day1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, Sabbath. Notice
there is no day 7, but. rather Sabbath! So there is no doubt which of the seven is the seventh day. The Israelites
have continued to keep that calendar so no days have been lost in history. We still know exactly which day is
the Sabbath, and we don't need a moon to tell us. Astronomy also confirms this fact, that we have lost no days.
Having said that calendars have changed, the pope moved the 5th of october to the 15th in the dark ages
(or something like that) changing the number, but not the day itself. Same goes for other nation's calendars.
The sequence of days have stayed the same.
You are also correct that other peoples have changed the names of the days but not the days themselves.
In the end the seventh day Sabbath known in the western world as Saturday has been the same since creation.
Lunar Sabbath Keeper:#1) At the International Date Line on one side you have Saturday and on the other side of this International Date line you have Sunday. Which side of the International Date line is right?...
#2) There was no International Date line until 1611 when it became necessary because of frequent travel for the
business world to establish an International date line for the Gregorian Calendar, and by the way it is Roman
Calendar. It was placed in the Pacific Ocean and run at all kinds of crooked angles to avoid placing certain
contradictions of time in Islands that were in strategic location that would cause confusion for their countries
they belonged to. At first Alaska was on the Russian side of the International date line, but in 1949 the Date
line was moved because it was taken by the United States from Russia. So obviously their days that they were
observing changed advancing it one day.
Now tell me which day is the right Sabbath? The day they were keeping when the Russians owned Alaska or the
one they are keeping now since the United States owns them?
If you choose to keep the Sabbath by the Creation Calendar of the Moon, International Date lines don't matter
because, you just keep the Sabbath Day By the different lights of the Moon, and no man made International Date
line is needed. Therefore any where you travel to The light of the Moon declares the day and there is only 28
days of the light of the Moon so you divide that up into 7's and you have 4 -7 day weeks, then comes the dark of
the Moon and is called the New Moon and it is also a no-work day, so you don't have a work day until you see
the first light of the moon , then the next day is day one of your 6 work days and the count to seven starts all over
after the Day of the New Moon.
Now if you will read Exodus 16 and look up the meaning of the Hebrew words for "month" you will find that
this word should be translated "Moon" not "month". Thus as you Said, the Israelites were given the correct
"Calendar" when they left Egypt, but those who read about it misunderstand simply because they do not study
into the original Hebrew that the English was translated from.
I am not going to try to cover this subject in completeness here and now but I am giving you enough if you are
interested in the truth of this subject you can find it with a little study. If you would like I have some real good
studies on this subject that can help you if you would like them .
Response: "Yes the Israelites were given a monthly calendar with 360 days in a year (unlike our 365
days in a year), however the weekly cycle has never changed for the Israelites. They have continuously existed
and their weekly cycle has never changed.The Jewish race is the most powerful evidence that the Sabbath has
never been lost. They've observed every seventh day from the time of Abraham. How could a whole nation lose track of counting time?
Just in case you still have a question, let me read you some statements from great astronomers of the world.
First of all from Edgar Larkin, who is the Director of the Mt. Lowe Observatory. Here's what he said in answer
to a letter: "Astronomers dare not depend upon any human device nor human chronologies save as they are
attested by the movements of the time pieces in the sky. Our days, weeks, and years only exist as unit
measurements in computing the unerring revolutions of the heavenly orbs. Lost or changed time would be
instantly detected by the modern astronomer." So you see, no time could ever be lost. If it were, these men
would know about it and they would tell us; but on the contrary, they tell us it has never been lost.
Here's a statement from THE NEW ASTRONOMY by Dr. Todd. "The uniformity of the earth's rotation has
been critically investigated by Newcomb and no change in the length of the day as great as one one-thousandth
of a second in one thousand years could escape detection. For more than three thousand years science has gone
backward and with profound research reveals the fact that in that vast period the length of the day has not
changed by the hundredth part of a single second of time." That's pretty conclusive, isn't it?
And now a statement by W. W. Campbell, Director of Lick Observatory in Hamilton, California. "The week
of seven days has been in use ever since the days of the Mosaic Dispensation and we have no reason for
supposing that any irregularities have existed in the succession of the weeks and their present days from that
time to the present." I think that's quite sufficient to show that there has been no astronomical loss of time, none
whatsoever. Now the other examples you cited are interesting questions, but they have no bearing on the majority.
We also have examples in various revolutions where the week was extended to 10 days. But none of these
made the Sabbath disappear for the Jews, who have perpetually kept the seventh day Sabbath since after the
exodus, this is is above dispute. Had the Jews been blotted out of existence, then we could have such a
Why even bother with these questions and complicate things so much? We have Jesus Christ who observed the
correct Sabbath day (just the same as the Jews have done for millenia), and the apostles, and the early church.
There is no dispute as to which day is the seventh day Sabbath. There is no such thing as a 28 day moon cycle.
So, let's go to science to verify my statement: synodic period: The period for the Moon to complete a revolution
relative to the Earth-Sun line. This is the period for lunar phases as seen for Earth, called the month, and taking
29.53 days for one phase cycle.
The time between successive new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours). This causes a net transfer of rotational
energy from the Earth to the Moon, slowing down the Earth's rotation by about 1.5 milliseconds/century.
NASA has a 6000 year calendar going into the past 4000 years of every lunar cycle if you want to investigate it,
and also states the following: The length of any one synodic month can vary from 29.26 to 29.80 days due to the
perturbing effects of the Sun's gravity on the Moon's eccentric orbit.
PS I must admit it's an interesting theory you have, and contains much logic, but little truth in Biblical doctrine
or reality."
Lunar Sabbath Keeper: You say that the Israelites were given a monthly Calendar with 360 days a year. ...Where in the Scriptures does it say this? I cannot find this mentioned in the Scripture and until you tell me where it is found in the Scripture I have to conclude it is not there. You say, "However the weekly cycle was never changed for the Israelites."
The Scriptures says, " Ezekiel 20:24 Because they had not executed my judgments, but had despised my statutes,
and had polluted my Sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers Idols."
Polluted my Sabbaths? How did they pollute His Sabbaths? Here God Calls it "My Sabbaths"! In Isaiah 1:14 ,
God calls it "Yours" "...."Your" new Moons and "Your" appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble
unto me; I am weary to bear them."
Actually the Jewish race is no evidence whatsoever! They have polluted every truth that was ever give to them
as evidence by Scripture! That is why their Nation was destroyed in 70 A.D. and before that some 500 years
before Christ by Nebuchadnezzar.
While in Egypt they were enslaved to Pharaoh and were not allowed to keep a Sabbath. See Exodus 5:4-5
Again you have to turn to astronomers concerning time and its measurements. That is why they have to
continually move the Gregorian calendar up is because the Stars the Moon and the Sun show them that the
Roman calendar is loosing time!
If you notice I told you the same thing about the Lunar revolution, but you ignored or did not do your research
properly because as I said, there are 28 days of the light of the moon in every revolution of the Moon, but there
is the time of the New moon which has no light on the face of the moon which makes up for the extra day and a
half or the revolution.
Your admission to the facts without answering my questions and then trying to flood your propaganda in to
change the tenure of the discussion does not change the facts, and that is, that you can not logically answer the
questions I ask without admission to the facts of what I say. Now let me assure you the Scriptures verify and
backup every thing I advocate about the lunar Sabbath.
Let me ask you another biblical question and see how you hold up. What day did the Israelite’s keep the Sabbath on, in the 7 days they marched around Jericho? And, what day did they keep the Seventh day Sabbath on during the feast of Tabernacles in Numbers 29? And where do you find the word "Saturday" in the Scriptures?
Like I have said, I have all the literature you will need expounding the Scriptures to show the Israelite's kept the
Sabbath by the Moon not by the Roman Gregorian Calendar. It was not even fully developed until Constantine
in 321 A.D.
Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to declare "Saturday" to be the Sabbath of the Jews and it wasn't for
another 40 or 50 years before the Jews were forced by extreme persecution to start observing Saturday as their
Sabbath. This comes directly from the 1901 Jewish encyclopedia. So it is plain to see you need more research
in the Scriptures on this subject since we both agree with the astronomers as to the loss of time, but it is the
study of the Stars and the Moon that keeps the Roman Calendar up to date not the other way around. Now tell
me, Which is the right Sabbath in Alaska the one they keep now or the one they kept when Russia owned it?
Other Person: "Let's go to the root then, you propose the moon was ordained to determine the Sabbath.
The origin of the biblical Sabbath is definitely connected with the creation week.
It was instituted by God three days after the creation of the moon (Gen. 1:14; 2:2), not the seventh day after the
first day of the month. It was to function independent of the month on a specific sequence of days unconnected from the moon and the sun, but uniquely grounded in God’s power to rule over time. The seventhness of the
Sabbath is related to the passing of time, from the beginning of God’s creating activity on Planet Earth to its
close. This is indeed a unique divine act, a fragmentation of time in a sequence of seven days exclusively fixed
and governed by God Himself."
Lunar Sabbath Keeper: You are right in that the Sabbath was part of creation. But as for it being 3 days after the creation of the Moon you are not correct… Read Genesis 1:1-2 slowly and let it sink in…
Verse 1: In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth… Just what did He create? What does the
heaven consist of, what does the earth consist of? Then in Verse 2: The earth was without form and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep.
This is what Numbers 10:10 was talking about….. And in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the
trumpets… That they may be to you for a memorial before your God: This was the new Moon… If you watch
the Moon Phases you will understand this. At the New Moon there is darkness upon the face of the deep
(the earth).
Verse 3: God said, let there be light: and there was light. Verse 4: God saw the light, that it was good: and God
divided the light from darkness. Verse 5: And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the
evening and the morning were the first day.
Think about this for a moment… God saw the light that it was good. he didn’t say that will have to do for now,
but I will create something better in a few days. He did it all right the first time, he didn’t create temporary
lights, He saw that it was good… He created the Sun and the Moon on the first day, that is the only way that the
evening and the morning could have been the first day…. That is what tells the days…..
Then on the fourth day He assigned them their duties, he did not re-create light, He created it the first day….
Now He is telling them what they will be for….
Genesis 1:14 God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
(he already did this on the first day, so here He is just going back over what he did and assigning them their
duties) and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Seasons here is 4150 in the Hebrew
which means Mowedah, which means, a set time for assembling together.
This was our Calendar that God created for us to go by. Then the seventh day from the New Moon, the beginning of creation, He rested on the Seventh Day which would have been the first quarter of moon.
As for the Sequence of every Seven Days it doesn’t say that either. It says 6 days shalt thou labor and do all thy
work but the Seventh Day is the Sabbath… It doesn’t say that you can’t have more then one day off, it just says
not to work more then six in a row…. The Scripture is very clear that the Israelites took off for the days of the
moon as well.. and the days of the Moon were not even counted as part of the work week or even part of the
I Samuel 20:5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the New Moon….
Verse 24-27 And it came to pass on the Second morrow, which was the second day of the moon
(this says month here, but according to the Hebrew 2320 it should be Moon)……
So you see this was not a work day or a regular week day but was the 2nd day of the Moon….
The first Sliver was the first day of the month.
Ezekiel 46:1-3 The gate of the inner court shall be shut the 6 working days; but on the Sabbath and on the New
Moon it shall be opened…
I count at least 8 days there, and possibly 9 depending on how many days were dark of the Moon.. So no, the
Israelites didn’t keep the Sabbath every Seventh Day as you say, they kept it by the moon phases as they were
instructed in Genesis 1:14.
You didn’t answer my question on which day they rested when they marched around Jericho… I can tell you
which day it was if you would like to know…. But wonder if you know which day it was….
Other Person: Sorry, the moon was created on the fourth day: Genesis 1:14 And God said, "Let there be
lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons
and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so.
16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He
also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day
and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening,
and there was morning—the fourth day. The fourth commandment has no mention of moon:
Exodus 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor
your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates.
11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
God wouldn't command the keeping of the seventh day, write it on tables of stone, and then - oops forgot to
mention that you have to use the moon to determine the seventh day."
Lunar Sabbath Keeper:: The Bible doesn’t contradict itself, and since it says that he created light on the first day, and then said he seen that it was Good… Then we have to conclude that both the sun and the moon were created on the first day or else he is a very confused God… and forgot that he already created it on the first day so decided to create it again… Since we know that God is not confused, it has to be people who are confused… Therefore we have to conclude that He knew what he was doing when he created light, (night and day) on the first day.
We know that what make night and day are the sun and the moon.....
The fourth commandment has no mention of Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or
Friday…. Where we see what it is talking about is all through the Bible. Even King David Knew what the
Moon was created for… Psalms 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: (4150 Assembling together as in
a congregation)The sun knoweth its going down.
Exodus 20:8 Remember (2142 Zakar to mark as a male child is marked with a distinctive mark…) the Sabbath
day to keep it Holy.
Saturday doesn’t do that… the Jews did not keep Saturday, they kept the 7th day. Man named the days of the
week after their gods, and created the consecutive 7 day week, before that the moon was their only Calendar.
When God wrote the Commandments on the Tables of Stone there were no man made calendars, he didn’t have
to tell them to watch for the first sliver, they were taught that from their youth, that was their only Calendar….
So don’t tell me what “God wouldn’t do” it tells us in his word what He did do…. It tells us plainly how to