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               Because He Loved Us

                                   Rachael Becker

I had a kitten all caught in a String that it was playing with... It was wrapped so tight it couldn't get free..... It thought it was a harmless play toy, until it became entangled and couldn't get loose, it took a Savior (me) to untangle it and cut the string to free was a painful process, and While I was trying to free it, it was trying to blame me for its problem, biting at me and hissing and screaming; at first I thought it had rabies or something and thought I might need to kill it; then I seen that it was just in a helpless mess that through its own poor judgment had entangled itself. So I set it free, then it loved me, and begin to purr, happy to be free from its snare. That is what Yahshua has done for us.... We through our ignorance get into messes that we can't untangle on our own, but he, through his love, cuts the string that Satan has bound us with and then we see, even though it was painful, it was because he loved us....


                               Butterfly Wings

If a butterfly doesn’t get to the sun in time their wings won’t stretch out and be strong… So they have crumpled wings….. Like wise if we do not have the son in our lives we end up with crumpled Lives and have no strength to do what is right. We all need the sonshine in our lives….



                            CANCER / SIN


Cancer: a strange cell; Going along for years as just another cell in your body and then one day it pops its ugly head up.  Everyone has these cancer cells, I am told, whether it comes to life and develops into REAL cancer has a lot to do with the way we live and eat. If we live on junk our chances of developing cancer is much higher; but if we live on a well balanced diet eating what nourishes the body, the chances are you will never develop cancer. If the cancer cells do come alive, then it will eat away at your life…. destroying all your dreams.


Sin is like cancer: we were all born with the sin cells in us. If we live for pleasure and only this life, filling our soul with Junk, instead of feasting on God’s word, sin will become full blown and eat away at your soul; destroying all your dreams; destroying your life. But if instead we nourish our soul with God’s word and prayer, our lives will become enriched with God’s love and Mercy, providing all our needs; A wonderful joyous life here and promise of a beautiful life when Yahshua returns for His bride… 


Lets live on a nourishing diet, free from cancerous sin, and be set free to serve our maker, and be a light for Him.

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