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Creation/Lunar Sabbath Keepers

The month begins with the first sliver of the Moon. When the first sliver is spotted the next day is the first work day. Seven days later on the first quarter is the first Sabbath of the month. The 2nd Sabbath is the full Moon; the third Sabbath is the last quarter, and the 4th Sabbath is the last sliver of the Moon. Then the Month starts all over again with the New Moon or the rebirth of the moon.
Exodus 20:8 Remember (the Hebrew word is 2142 Zakar, meaning to mark as to be recognized, as a male
child is marked) the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy (6942 Purified, Sanctified).
Verse 9: six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work:
Verse 10: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Verse 11: For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the Seventh Day: Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hollowed (6942 Purified, Sanctified) it.
The Sabbath was a memorial of creation, of a finished work; a new beginning; to help us remember creation and the power of God. So he set a mark upon the Seventh Day, just as he marked a male child so there would be no doubt that he was a male, so there is no doubt when the Sabbath Day is…. It is marked each week by the revolutions of the Moon. No matter how man may try to change times and laws that is one thing they can’t change, the revolution of the Moon. So the Sabbath Day is marked with a permanent mark each Sabbath Day, 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, and last sliver, and then it starts over with the New Moon.
Keep in mind there were no Calendars in the beginning, all they had was what God created for them to tell time with, that was the sun and the Moon; the Sun to tell what hour of the day it is, and the moon to mark the days of the weeks and Months of the year, and even the New Year. The Gregorian calendar came later, when men thought to change times and days and laws. No matter how they try though, the Moon remains a reliable calendar.
Starting in Genesis 1: 1-5 Darkness was upon the face of the deep……
This obviously establishes the "day of the New Moon" before "day one" of the first work day of the creation week, being a "space of time" called in the Hebrew "reshyith" meaning , first, new, head, chief, beginning, or in some extreme situations, birth; we know when the moon is new, it is total darkness..
Since this "Space of time" was not numbered or counted with the "day one" of the first work day of the creation week, it becomes paramount evidence, that the memorial of Numbers 10:10 was speaking of "In the beginning" when God created the Heavens and the Earth , before he began his constructive work to establish a place for man to live and to prepare him a garden to live in, was the "space of time " called to us, "the day of the New Moon"!
Verse 2: in Genesis one explains that this "space of time" before day one of the first work day was a time of darkness. It was the time of the darkness being on the face of the moon! It explains itself, when it says, "Darkness was upon the face of the deep".
Numbers 10:10 says, And in the day of your gladness, and in your Solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months , ye shall blow with the trumpet over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifice of your peace offerings, that they may be to you for a memorial before your God…. Psalms 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the New Moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.
This "space of time" called "in the beginnings of your Months" (Chodesh) was to be a memorial. The only "memorial" it could be of is the "space of time" in the beginning when darkness was upon the face of the deep, (being the dark of the moon) before, and prior to God, "saying", let there be light, on the first ordinary work day.
It is important to establish this for as we know God rested the seventh day from the first day of creation from all his work… And to establish the fact that it was indeed the New moon just before the first day. In other words the New moon was also to be a memorial to them, because this the new moon, was the beginning of their months. Along with the Sabbath, it was a memorial of creation.
This evidence establishes that there has always been a "29 day" lunar Chodesh ever since "Genesis 1: 1”. This evidence establishes that there have always been 4, seven day weeks, every lunar cycle, after each, “day of the New Moon”, just as it was at creation in Genesis 1: 1.
Verse 2: In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth…
Verse 3: God said let there be light, and there was light….
Verse 4: God saw the light that it was good, and divided the light from darkness….
Verse 5: God called the light day, and the darkness he called night… And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Now some people try to say that this was not the literal sun and the moon that was created here. But it had to be in order to have day and night as we know it. He said he created the heavens and the earth, if he didn’t create the lights what did he create?
Now in Genesis 1:14- 16 He recounts his creation from the beginning….. Some have suggested that maybe he created temporary lights at first until he could create the Sun and the moon, but I don’t think God works that way. I believe just as he said, he created the Sun and the moon on the first day. And then on the fourth day He recounted his creation and assigned the sun and the Moon their duties or set them in order, to give them for their purpose, to do with them according to his plan. They were already created in verse 1. All he did in verse 14-18 was to ordain them for their purpose, to present them for their ordinances!
Verse 14: And God said, let their be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; (If we look back to verse 3 and 4 we see he had already did this), And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: (Seasons here is 4150 in the concordance, and is Mowadah, meaning a fixed time for meeting… an assembling together… an appointed time or place of solemn assembly)…
In other words the Moon was to tell us the days, years and months….. We know the sun doesn’t do this as it is only reliable for the time of the day, not which day it is, as it does not change from day to day as the Moon does.
Psalms 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down….. Again the word here for seasons is Mowadah, 4150.
Ezekiel 46:1- 3 Thus saith the Lord God; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, AND in the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.
The Sabbath and the New Moon are obviously two different days….. And if the gate is to be shut on the six working days, and open on the Sabbath AND on the New Moon, then that makes eight days or nine, depending on how many days of the dark of the moon.
Verse 3: Likewise the People of the land shall worship at the door of this gate before the Lord in the Sabbaths, and in the New Moons.
But they were to work six days before hand…… There is really no place in the Bible that tells us that it has to be six days and then only one day between…. It just says, six days to labor and do all they work, and the Seventh is the Sabbath, and the New Moon is also a time of rest and worship as well, but just not as strict as the Sabbath….
According to the counting though of "days by the moon" there is only 29 days in a complete revolution of the Moon from point "A" to point "B". But the confusion comes when you mix trying to determine a day by the sun, and then using that to number the days of the Moon.
a) Now if one is counting the day of the new Moon as a working day, then you will have a different calendar than that of God's. And of course the Romans do not consider the Day of the new Moon any different than any one of the rest of their pagan days. Notice, the day of the New Moon is not to be counted with or as a Working day!
b) The Day of the new moon is counted as the Dark of the Moon, simply because it has no light to identify it with any of the 6 working days, nor does it have a light to identify it as a Sabbath, and yet it is a no-working day!
c) Thus, if there are two Solar days of no light upon the Face of the Moon, this is counted and numbered as not only the Day of the New Moon, but only one Lunar Day, as in the Singular, "The Day of the New Moon" including both "Solar days" and the gates of the temple were not to be opened on either one of those Solar days, for they were not numbered as one of the ordinary six working days. Thus, also, only 29 days of the moon in a revolution of the moon!
Isaiah 66:23 And it shall come to pass , that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
I Samuel 20:5 And David said to Jonathan, behold tomorrow is the New Moon, and I should not fail to sit with the King at meat: but let me go that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even….
Here is a place where the New Moon lasted three days…… lets go on….
Verse 18: Then Jonathan said to David, Tomorrow is the New Moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty…
Verse 19: And when thou hast stayed three days…..
Verse 24; So David hid himself in the field: and when the New Moon was come, the King set him down to eat meat.
Verse 27: and it came to pass on the Morrow, which was the second day of the Month, (2320 Chodesh meaning the New Moon), it should read “the second day of the New Moon, that David’s place was empty:
So we know by this that this was a three day New Moon, for on the Morrow, which was the Third day of the New Moon, Jonathan went out to meet David in the field as he had promised, so as to send him away safely.
Now lets go to Exodus 20:8 It says, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy" right? Well let us look at the Hebrew for this sentence; Ex 20:8 Remember <zakar> the Sabbath <shabbath> day <yowm>, to keep it holy <qadash>. (KJV) Notice the word in the Hebrew for "Remember". Zakar. 2142 and means, "To mark so as to recognize"; and come from the word 2145 which is translated as "to be Male " because the "male child is marked in such a way it Identifies the child is a Male, and not a Female. This, in the same way as one of the Ten Commandments Commands us to "Mark so as to remember" the Sabbath day. The Roman "Saturday" has no specific markings to mark it as the Sabbath than any other of the days of the Roman calendar. But, on the contrary, The "phase of the first Quarter Moon" and the "Phase of the Full Moon”, and the Phase of the "Last Quarter Moon", and the Phase of the last sliver of the Moon, all "Mark the Sabbath so as it can be recognized" and remembered from generation to generation regardless of what commercial Calendar is being used any where in the world. A Wonder of Wonders for sure, as Psalms 19:1-4 declares that the heavens declare the splendor of God, and their voice (words) are gone out into all the earth where they are heard in every language where ever they are heard and seen!
The day following the first sighting of the moon is not the first day of the month, but it is called the first day of the working week. The New Moon is the "period of the dark of the Moon"; this period is when the Moon is being reborn.
The reason this is the right way to determine it is because there is no light of the moon to determine a "day", other than the "Day of the New Moon" which ends with the sighting of the first sliver that is sighted generally.
Second, the reason also is because if you try to "consider" the first sliver of the moon marking the next day as the "New Moon", this causes the other phases of the moon, such as, first quarter, full Moon, last quarter moon, to be without significance as to the numbering of the days of the Moon.
In other words, the "voice of the moon" as noted in Psalms 19:2-3- tells us when the Sabbath of the each week begins by being a "half shaped design", at the first quarter, and the voice of the Moon tells us when the second Sabbath of the second week begins by rising a full moon just after the sun sets, and the voice of the third week begins by seeing the "half shaped design", in the morning of the sixth day of that week and that sets at noon of the same day.
Thus, if you do not know when the "first work day begins”, you also will be confused when each 7th day Sabbath begins. And the "voice” of the Moon causes confusion.
Another Thought…. If you were in the United States and leave for Japan on Friday afternoon say about 3:00 P.M., when you cross the international dateline, it will be early Sunday morning. Now you have missed Saturday (Sabbath) for that week. What day would you rest for the Sabbath? If you don’t rest you will have 13 days with out rest, so what do you do?
But then on the other hand, if you are keeping the Sabbath by the Moon phases according to the Calendar created in the beginning, you would still have your Sabbath, because you don’t go by dateline, you go by the first quarter, full moon, third quarter and the New Moon.
Now what if you lived just across the date line and went to Church on the other side of the dateline, what day would you rest and observe as the Sabbath?
Here is an example of the dateline…
Here's how the International Date Line works. Let's say you fly from the United States to Japan. Let's suppose you leave the United States on Tuesday morning. Since you're traveling west the time advances slowly thanks to time zones and the speed at which your airplane flies, but once you cross the International Date Line, it's suddenly Wednesday.
On the reverse trip home you fly from Japan to the United States. You leave Japan on Monday morning but as you cross the Pacific Ocean, the day gets later quickly as you cross time zones moving eastward in an airplane. However, once you cross the International Date Line, the day changes to Sunday.
Very confusing I would say, to follow mans calendar and try to keep the Sabbath….
Another thought……
Do you remember Lucifer’s boast in Isaiah 14:13 where he is recorded as saying that he will sit on the "mount
of the congregation"?
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which
didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I
will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14
If you will do a little investigation using a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, you will discover that the word congregation in this passage is translated from the Hebrew word, Mo’edim, which means times appointed, set times or Feasts. These are the Creator's calendar events, His Holy Days. The next point is that, in Scripture, a mountain is considered a controlling power or authoritarian presence.
Do you realize what Satan is claiming in this passage? He is claiming his authority over the calendar. He is claiming that he has the power to create appointed times (obviously, contrary to those of the heavenly Father). And indeed he does control man's calendar. Have you ever heard of Sunday or Saturday Worship, New Year's Day, Valentine's, Mardi Gras, Good Friday, Easter, May Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Psalms 81:3-4 Blow up the trumpet in the New Moon, in the time appointed (3677 fullness of the full moon, that is, its festival, time appointed), on our solemn feast day. For this was a Statue for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.
When one has been instructed wrong, sometimes they have to unlearn everything they have learned and start over; when the slate is clean you are then able to learn what God REALLY says in His word. But when a person has been programmed to think a certain way, it is hard for that person to see what God is teaching them in His word.
Have you ever read how a person that has just been rescued from a cult has to be reprogrammed to think out side the cult? That is the way we have to do if we are to learn what God is teaching us in His word.
You see; we have been programmed to think that the Gregorian calendar is and was and always will be. For some this is the Roman calendar. But we have to step aside and realize that these man made Calendars were not in existence in the beginning; they were created by man hundreds or thousands of years after creation. When we realize this then we can study with an open mind and see the calendar that God created and how it works.... But until we are ready to except God's Calendar we can never see the beauty of his creation, and His time clock, and his calendar.

1st. Sliver

8th day (Sabbath)

2nd Sabbath 15th day
3rd Sabbath 22nd day

4th Sabbath 29th day